Friends of the Vechtrace 2017
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- Written by: Annemiek
Marjolein Rekers, daughter of one of the founders of the Vechtrace made the design for the original Vechtrace Medal. On this medal Frans Göbel, twice world champion in the skiff and nicknamed the Emperor of the Amstel, is depicted. A limited number of this medal was produced. And now the stock is nearly depleted.
In 2017 the Vechtrace Committee has decided to award this medal only to persons who have distinguished themselves during the organisation of the Vechtrace and to rowers who have participated in the Vechtrace for many years.
In 2017 the medal was awarded to:
Koos Bauman: Head of the Judges. Very early in the history of the Vechtrace Koos became Head of the Judges and he still is.
Jaap Dorsman of the Zwolsche Roei- en Zeil Vereniging. In the period 1993 (second Vechtrace) till the present Jaap has participated 18 times.
Esther Bernadette Dijk of the Zwolsche Roei- en Zeil Vereniging. In the period 2001 until the present she has participated 11 times.
Bradford Grammar School - Simon Darnborough has participated in the Vechtrace as of the beginning in 1992. His last race was in 2016. He participated 10 times. Together with David Leake he has ensured that a delegation from Bradford Grammar School participated every year: in total 92 pupils (10 girls and 82 boys).
Bootsclub Nordhorn: Unitll 2001 the Vechtrace took place in the Netherlands from Ane (Gramsbergen) to the centre of Hardenberg. In 2001 the race course was changed to Laar – Gramsbergen crossing the German border. As of that date the Vechtrace became a joined initiative of the RV Salland and Bootsclub Nordhorn. Over the years Claus Lipkowski has made a significant contribution to make this collaboration a success.
Elly Tysma: For many years she was the hostess of RV Salland and has made all participants and volunteers very welcome. And she is still is the hostess for the Bradford Grammar School. Elly is quite famous for her Cake which is presented at the end of every Vechtrace.
Jan Vunderink: For years Jan has been co-organiser of the Vechtrace. Always present in the background. Taking all the necessary measures to ensure a proper running of the Vechtrace. Not only the setup and dismantlement of the different structures but also the contacts with the harbour master and local sponsors. Without Jan there would be no Vechtrace.
Folke Meijer: For many years Race leader of the Vechtrace and several other tasks.
Wieger Dam: For many years member of the Vechtrace Committee as Secretary and in others roles (website master).

Results 2017, movie and pictures
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Slight change in race course due to a new bend in the Vecht
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- Written by: Annemiek
On the Dutch side of the border a bend has been added to the Vecht. This diversion was needed to ensure a better water drainage during periods of excessive rainfall. The Start and the Finish of the Vechtrace have not changed.
On the map of the race course the old trajectory is yellow. Until Google has included the diversion of the Vecht in its maps, it will appear that part of the Vechtrace will take place overland.

TrueSport at Vechtrace
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- Written by: webmaster
Are you prepared for the cold winter season? As in previous years, TrueSport will be represented at the Vechtrace with a variety of high-quality clothing such as tights, unisuits and thermoshirts. TrueSport also sells a wide range of high-visibility rowing outfits.