Friends of the Vechtrace 2019
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- Written by: Annemiek
Marjolein Rekers, daughter of one of the founders of the Vechtrace made the design for the original Vechtrace Medal. On this medal Frans Göbel, twice world champion in the skiff and nicknamed the Emperor of the Amstel, is depicted. A limited number of this medal was produced. And now the stock is nearly depleted.
In 2017 the Vechtrace Committee has decided to award this medal only to persons who have distinguished themselves during the organisation of the Vechtrace and to rowers who have participated in the Vechtrace for many years.
In 2019 the medal was awarded to
Jan van Laarhoven of RC Tubantia: He has participated in the Vechtrace since 2006 and this year was his 11th time.
Frans van der Steen of RC Aengwirden: He has participated since 2009 and this was his 11th Vechtrace.
Gudrun Kremeier of RC Willem III has participated since 2005 and this year was her 9th Vechtrace
Bart Breunesse. In 2015 Bart was asked to become member of the Vechtrace Committee. Within the Committee he is responsible for the results and timing information. In the past years he has, with great enthusiasm and expertise, further professionalised the time tracking system. The Vechtrace now uses Time Team. It is possible to enter the correct times in the computer at the start and the finish. Results are accurate and immediately available. But sometimes internet can give problems and the results have to be calculated by Bart and his team by hand. Bart thank you for you for everything you have done for the Vechtrace.

Results 2019, movie and pictures
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- Written by: Wieger