After-enjoyment Vechtrace 2013
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Our very favored rewards at the 22nd International Vechtrace forced the rowers into an effort over the full 5 kilometers of this race. The virtually absent stream gave them nothing on the downstream trail. Sjoerd Brouwer of ARC last year was the fastest, now winner skiff veterans D, but drove 1 km / h slower. This seems to be less than the flow rate differential with last year on this unpredictable rain river. He rowed harder!
90 Boats finished, not always with a happy ending time. Disappointment and triumph are also close to the rowing sport.
Best overall time of this Vechtrace has the duo Marloes Oldenburg and Rogier Blink (Mix 2x, Gyas) with a time of 18.53 dangers. Rogier Blink has been Bondsroeier for years and recently won another bronze medal in the two without winning the World Cup in South Korea. Jozef Klaassen (HSA 1x, Nereus) was the fastest skipper in the men. Marjolein Rekers (DVC 1x, Duke), daughter of the founder of the Vechtrace Cas Rekers, was the fastest woman. It is also beautiful that both the youngest participant (13 years, Femke Paulis, M16 1x, Salland) as the oldest participant (68 years old Olympicist Jan van Laarhoven, HVG 1x, Tubantia) both won such a beautiful Vechtracemedaille.
We cross the border with Germany during the race, as well as the participants field internationally. For example, our regular guests from England, Bradford Grammar School, have been enthusiastic, as well as various German guests.
With the Vechtrace we aim to offer an interesting race on an impressive route, with a good organization in a welcoming environment. We think the weather has been successful thanks to the performance, the atmosphere also pushed into the end of the afternoon, the fanfare, the cakes, the atmosphere, the medals, the movie immediately after rowing, and all of it is framed by traditionally traditional beautiful weather.